August 10, 2007

La Grande School of Ballet - Swan Lake
DVDs Now Shipping

DVDs for La Grande School of Ballet's June 14th, 2007 performance of "Swan Lake" have shipped by USPS First Class as of Friday, August 10th.

Our ONLINE STORE is open for business if you missed the chance to order your copy at the show or would like additional copies for family or friends. If you have placed an order for Swannee's Spring recital and have not received it by Tuesday, August 13th, please CONTACT US and we'll be glad to help.

This marks our final shipped dance recital from Spring/Summer 2007. Thanks to all the students and families of Beckie's Studio of Dance, Van De Veere Productions, Dance Arts, Inc., and La Grande School of Ballet for helping to make this our most successful summer ever. We look forward to seeing you all again at the next recital!